/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.tools.grunt; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import jline.ConsoleReader; import jline.ConsoleReaderInputStream; import org.apache.commons.io.output.NullOutputStream; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FsShell; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.pig.LoadFunc; import org.apache.pig.PigServer; import org.apache.pig.backend.datastorage.ContainerDescriptor; import org.apache.pig.backend.datastorage.DataStorage; import org.apache.pig.backend.datastorage.DataStorageException; import org.apache.pig.backend.datastorage.ElementDescriptor; import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.datastorage.ConfigurationUtil; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.datastorage.HDataStorage; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; import org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.FileLocalizer; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.FileLocalizer.FetchFileRet; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.LogUtils; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.TupleFormat; import org.apache.pig.tools.pigscript.parser.ParseException; import org.apache.pig.tools.pigscript.parser.PigScriptParser; import org.apache.pig.tools.pigscript.parser.PigScriptParserTokenManager; import org.apache.pig.tools.pigscript.parser.TokenMgrError; import org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.JobStats; import org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.PigStats; import org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.PigStats.JobGraph; import org.apache.pig.validator.BlackAndWhitelistFilter; import org.apache.pig.validator.PigCommandFilter; import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi; import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiConsole; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; public class GruntParser extends PigScriptParser { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GruntParser.class); private PigCommandFilter filter; public GruntParser(Reader reader) { this(reader, null); init(); } public GruntParser(Reader reader, PigServer pigServer) { super(reader); mPigServer = pigServer; init(); } public GruntParser(InputStream stream, String encoding) { this(stream, encoding, null); } public GruntParser(InputStream stream, String encoding, PigServer pigServer) { super(stream, encoding); mPigServer = pigServer; init(); } public GruntParser(InputStream stream) { super(stream); init(); } public GruntParser(InputStream stream, PigServer pigServer) { super(stream); mPigServer = pigServer; init(); } public GruntParser(PigScriptParserTokenManager tm) { this(tm, null); } public GruntParser(PigScriptParserTokenManager tm, PigServer pigServer) { super(tm); mPigServer = pigServer; init(); } private void init() { mDone = false; mLoadOnly = false; mExplain = null; mScriptIllustrate = false; setProps(); filter = new BlackAndWhitelistFilter(mPigServer); } private void setProps() { mDfs = mPigServer.getPigContext().getDfs(); mLfs = mPigServer.getPigContext().getLfs(); mConf = mPigServer.getPigContext().getProperties(); shell = new FsShell(ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(mConf)); } @Override public void setInteractive(boolean isInteractive) { super.setInteractive(isInteractive); if(isInteractive) { setValidateEachStatement(true); } } public void setValidateEachStatement(boolean b) { mPigServer.setValidateEachStatement(b); } private void setBatchOn() { mPigServer.setBatchOn(); } private void executeBatch() throws IOException { if (mPigServer.isBatchOn()) { if (mExplain != null) { explainCurrentBatch(); } if (!mLoadOnly) { mPigServer.executeBatch(); PigStats stats = PigStats.get(); JobGraph jg = stats.getJobGraph(); Iterator<JobStats> iter = jg.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { JobStats js = iter.next(); if (!js.isSuccessful()) { mNumFailedJobs++; Exception exp = (js.getException() != null) ? js.getException() : new ExecException( "Job " + (js.getJobId() == null ? "" : js.getJobId() + " ") + "failed, hadoop does not return any error message", 2244); LogUtils.writeLog(exp, mPigServer.getPigContext().getProperties().getProperty("pig.logfile"), log, "true".equalsIgnoreCase(mPigServer.getPigContext().getProperties().getProperty("verbose")), "Pig Stack Trace"); } else { mNumSucceededJobs++; } } } } } private void discardBatch() throws IOException { if (mPigServer.isBatchOn()) { mPigServer.discardBatch(); } } public int[] parseStopOnError() throws IOException, ParseException { return parseStopOnError(false); } /** * Parses Pig commands in either interactive mode or batch mode. * In interactive mode, executes the plan right away whenever a * STORE command is encountered. * * @throws IOException, ParseException */ public int[] parseStopOnError(boolean sameBatch) throws IOException, ParseException { if (mPigServer == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (!mInteractive && !sameBatch) { setBatchOn(); mPigServer.setSkipParseInRegisterForBatch(true); } try { prompt(); mDone = false; while(!mDone) { parse(); } if (!sameBatch) { executeBatch(); } } catch (TokenMgrError tme) { // This error from PigScriptParserTokenManager is not intuitive and always refers to the // last line, if we are reading whole query without parsing it line by line during batch // So executeBatch and get the error from QueryParser if (!mInteractive && !sameBatch) { executeBatch(); } throw tme; } finally { if (!sameBatch) { discardBatch(); } } int [] res = { mNumSucceededJobs, mNumFailedJobs }; return res; } public void setLoadOnly(boolean loadOnly) { mLoadOnly = loadOnly; } public void setScriptIllustrate() { mScriptIllustrate = true; } @Override public void prompt() { if (mInteractive) { mConsoleReader.setDefaultPrompt("grunt> "); } } @Override protected void quit() { mDone = true; } public boolean isDone() { return mDone; } /* * parseOnly method added for supporting penny */ public void parseOnly() throws IOException, ParseException { if (mPigServer == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } mDone = false; while(!mDone) { parse(); } } @Override protected void processDescribe(String alias) throws IOException { String nestedAlias = null; if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode if (mPigServer.isBatchOn()) { mPigServer.parseAndBuild(); } if(alias==null) { alias = mPigServer.getPigContext().getLastAlias(); // if describe is used immediately after launching grunt shell then // last defined alias will be null if (alias == null) { throw new IOException( "No previously defined alias found. Please define an alias and use 'describe' operator."); } } if(alias.contains("::")) { nestedAlias = alias.substring(alias.indexOf("::") + 2); alias = alias.substring(0, alias.indexOf("::")); mPigServer.dumpSchemaNested(alias, nestedAlias); } else { if ("@".equals(alias)) { alias = mPigServer.getLastRel(); } mPigServer.dumpSchema(alias); } } else { log.warn("'describe' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processExplain(String alias, String script, boolean isVerbose, String format, String target, List<String> params, List<String> files) throws IOException, ParseException { if (mPigServer.isBatchOn()) { mPigServer.parseAndBuild(); } if (alias == null && script == null) { if (mInteractive) { alias = mPigServer.getPigContext().getLastAlias(); // if explain is used immediately after launching grunt shell then // last defined alias will be null if (alias == null) { throw new ParseException("'explain' statement must be on an alias or on a script."); } } } if ("@".equals(alias)) { alias = mPigServer.getLastRel(); } processExplain(alias, script, isVerbose, format, target, params, files, false); } protected void processExplain(String alias, String script, boolean isVerbose, String format, String target, List<String> params, List<String> files, boolean dontPrintOutput) throws IOException, ParseException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.EXPLAIN); if (null != mExplain) { return; } try { mExplain = new ExplainState(alias, target, script, isVerbose, format); if (script != null) { setBatchOn(); try { loadScript(script, true, true, false, params, files); } catch(IOException e) { discardBatch(); throw e; } catch (ParseException e) { discardBatch(); throw e; } } mExplain.mLast = true; explainCurrentBatch(dontPrintOutput); } finally { if (script != null) { discardBatch(); } mExplain = null; } } protected void explainCurrentBatch() throws IOException { explainCurrentBatch(false); } protected void explainCurrentBatch(boolean dontPrintOutput) throws IOException { PrintStream lp = (dontPrintOutput) ? new PrintStream(new NullOutputStream()) : System.out; PrintStream ep = (dontPrintOutput) ? new PrintStream(new NullOutputStream()) : System.out; if (!(mExplain.mLast && mExplain.mCount == 0)) { if (mPigServer.isBatchEmpty()) { return; } } mExplain.mCount++; boolean markAsExecuted = (mExplain.mScript != null); if (mExplain.mTarget != null) { File file = new File(mExplain.mTarget); if (file.isDirectory()) { String sCount = (mExplain.mLast && mExplain.mCount == 1)?"":"_"+mExplain.mCount; String suffix = mExplain.mTime+sCount+"."+mExplain.mFormat; lp = new PrintStream(new File(file, "logical_plan-"+suffix)); mPigServer.explain(mExplain.mAlias, mExplain.mFormat, mExplain.mVerbose, markAsExecuted, lp, null, file, suffix); lp.close(); ep.close(); } else { boolean append = !(mExplain.mCount==1); lp = ep = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(mExplain.mTarget, append)); mPigServer.explain(mExplain.mAlias, mExplain.mFormat, mExplain.mVerbose, markAsExecuted, lp, ep, null, null); lp.close(); } } else { mPigServer.explain(mExplain.mAlias, mExplain.mFormat, mExplain.mVerbose, markAsExecuted, lp, ep, null, null); } } @Override protected void printAliases() throws IOException { if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode mPigServer.printAliases(); } else { log.warn("'aliases' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void printClear() { AnsiConsole.systemInstall(); Ansi ansi = Ansi.ansi(); System.out.println( ansi.eraseScreen() ); System.out.println( ansi.cursor(0, 0) ); AnsiConsole.systemUninstall(); } @Override protected void processRegister(String jar) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.REGISTER); mPigServer.registerJar(jar); } @Override protected void processRegister(String path, String scriptingLang, String namespace) throws IOException, ParseException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.REGISTER); if(path.endsWith(".jar")) { if(scriptingLang != null || namespace != null) { throw new ParseException("Cannot register a jar with a scripting language or namespace"); } mPigServer.registerJar(path); } else { mPigServer.registerCode(path, scriptingLang, namespace); } } private String runPreprocessor(String scriptPath, List<String> params, List<String> paramFiles) throws IOException, ParseException { PigContext context = mPigServer.getPigContext(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(scriptPath)); String result = context.doParamSubstitution(reader, params, paramFiles); reader.close(); return result; } @Override protected void processScript(String script, boolean batch, List<String> params, List<String> files) throws IOException, ParseException { if(batch) { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.EXEC); } else { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.RUN); } if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode if (script == null) { executeBatch(); return; } if (batch) { setBatchOn(); mPigServer.setJobName(script); try { loadScript(script, true, false, mLoadOnly, params, files); executeBatch(); } finally { discardBatch(); } } else { loadScript(script, false, false, mLoadOnly, params, files); } } else { log.warn("'run/exec' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } private void loadScript(String script, boolean batch, boolean loadOnly, boolean illustrate, List<String> params, List<String> files) throws IOException, ParseException { Reader inputReader; ConsoleReader reader; boolean interactive; mPigServer.getPigContext().setParams(params); mPigServer.getPigContext().setParamFiles(files); try { FetchFileRet fetchFile = FileLocalizer.fetchFile(mConf, script); String cmds = runPreprocessor(fetchFile.file.getAbsolutePath(), params, files); if (mInteractive && !batch) { // Write prompt and echo commands // Console reader treats tabs in a special way cmds = cmds.replaceAll("\t"," "); reader = new ConsoleReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(cmds.getBytes()), new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); reader.setHistory(mConsoleReader.getHistory()); InputStream in = new ConsoleReaderInputStream(reader); inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); interactive = true; } else { // Quietly parse the statements inputReader = new StringReader(cmds); reader = null; interactive = false; } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { throw new ParseException("File not found: " + script); } catch (SecurityException se) { throw new ParseException("Cannot access file: " + script); } GruntParser parser = new GruntParser(inputReader, mPigServer); parser.setConsoleReader(reader); parser.setInteractive(interactive); parser.setLoadOnly(loadOnly); if (illustrate) parser.setScriptIllustrate(); parser.mExplain = mExplain; parser.prompt(); while(!parser.isDone()) { parser.parse(); } if (interactive) { System.out.println(""); } } @Override protected void processSet(String key, String value) throws IOException, ParseException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.SET); if (key.equals("debug")) { if (value.equals("on")) mPigServer.debugOn(); else if (value.equals("off")) mPigServer.debugOff(); else throw new ParseException("Invalid value " + value + " provided for " + key); } else if (key.equals("job.name")) { mPigServer.setJobName(value); } else if (key.equals("job.priority")) { mPigServer.setJobPriority(value); } else if (key.equals("stream.skippath")) { // Validate File file = new File(value); if (!file.exists() || file.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Invalid value for stream.skippath:" + value); } mPigServer.addPathToSkip(value); } else if (key.equals("default_parallel")) { // Validate try { mPigServer.setDefaultParallel(Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid value for default_parallel"); } } else { mPigServer.getPigContext().getExecutionEngine().setProperty(key, value); } } @Override protected void processSet() throws IOException, ParseException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.SET); Properties jobProps = mPigServer.getPigContext().getProperties(); Properties sysProps = System.getProperties(); List<String> jobPropsList = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String> sysPropsList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Object key : jobProps.keySet()) { String propStr = key + "=" + jobProps.getProperty((String) key); if (sysProps.containsKey(key)) { sysPropsList.add("system: " + propStr); } else { jobPropsList.add(propStr); } } Collections.sort(jobPropsList); Collections.sort(sysPropsList); jobPropsList.addAll(sysPropsList); for (String prop : jobPropsList) { System.out.println(prop); } } @Override protected void processCat(String path) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.CAT); if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); try { byte buffer[] = new byte[65536]; ElementDescriptor dfsPath = mDfs.asElement(path); int rc; if (!dfsPath.exists()) throw new IOException("Directory " + path + " does not exist."); if (mDfs.isContainer(path)) { ContainerDescriptor dfsDir = (ContainerDescriptor) dfsPath; Iterator<ElementDescriptor> paths = dfsDir.iterator(); while (paths.hasNext()) { ElementDescriptor curElem = paths.next(); if (mDfs.isContainer(curElem.toString())) { continue; } InputStream is = curElem.open(); while ((rc = is.read(buffer)) > 0) { System.out.write(buffer, 0, rc); } is.close(); } } else { InputStream is = dfsPath.open(); while ((rc = is.read(buffer)) > 0) { System.out.write(buffer, 0, rc); } is.close(); } } catch (DataStorageException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to Cat: " + path, e); } } else { log.warn("'cat' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processCD(String path) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.CD); ContainerDescriptor container; if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); try { if (path == null) { container = mDfs.asContainer(((HDataStorage)mDfs).getHFS().getHomeDirectory().toString()); mDfs.setActiveContainer(container); } else { container = mDfs.asContainer(path); if (!container.exists()) { throw new IOException("Directory " + path + " does not exist."); } if (!mDfs.isContainer(path)) { throw new IOException(path + " is not a directory."); } mDfs.setActiveContainer(container); } } catch (DataStorageException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to change working directory to " + ((path == null) ? (((HDataStorage)mDfs).getHFS().getHomeDirectory().toString()) : (path)), e); } } else { log.warn("'cd' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processDump(String alias) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.DUMP); if (alias == null) { if (mPigServer.isBatchOn()) { mPigServer.parseAndBuild(); } alias = mPigServer.getPigContext().getLastAlias(); // if dump is used immediately after launching grunt shell then // last defined alias will be null if (alias == null) { throw new IOException( "No previously defined alias found. Please define an alias and use 'dump' operator."); } } if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); if ("@".equals(alias)) { alias = mPigServer.getLastRel(); } Iterator<Tuple> result = mPigServer.openIterator(alias); while (result.hasNext()) { Tuple t = result.next(); System.out.println(TupleFormat.format(t)); } } else { log.warn("'dump' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processIllustrate(String alias, String script, String target, List<String> params, List<String> files) throws IOException, ParseException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.ILLUSTRATE); if (mScriptIllustrate) throw new ParseException("'illustrate' statement can not appear in a script that is illustrated opon."); if ((alias != null) && (script != null)) throw new ParseException("'illustrate' statement on an alias does not work when a script is in effect"); else if (mExplain != null) log.warn("'illustrate' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); else { try { if (script != null) { if (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(mPigServer. getPigContext() .getProperties(). getProperty("opt.multiquery","true"))) { throw new ParseException("Cannot explain script if multiquery is disabled."); } setBatchOn(); try { loadScript(script, true, true, true, params, files); } catch(IOException e) { discardBatch(); throw e; } catch (ParseException e) { discardBatch(); throw e; } } else if (alias == null) { if (mPigServer.isBatchOn()) { mPigServer.parseAndBuild(); } alias = mPigServer.getPigContext().getLastAlias(); // if illustrate is used immediately after launching grunt shell then // last defined alias will be null if (alias == null) { throw new ParseException("'illustrate' statement must be on an alias or on a script."); } } if ("@".equals(alias)) { if (mPigServer.isBatchOn()) { mPigServer.parseAndBuild(); } alias = mPigServer.getLastRel(); } mPigServer.getExamples(alias); } finally { if (script != null) { discardBatch(); } } } } @Override protected void processKill(String jobid) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.KILL); mPigServer.getPigContext().getExecutionEngine().killJob(jobid); } @Override protected void processLS(String path) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.LS); if (mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); try { ElementDescriptor pathDescriptor; if (path == null) { pathDescriptor = mDfs.getActiveContainer(); } else { pathDescriptor = mDfs.asElement(path); } if (!pathDescriptor.exists()) { throw new IOException("File or directory " + path + " does not exist."); } if (mDfs.isContainer(pathDescriptor.toString())) { ContainerDescriptor container = (ContainerDescriptor) pathDescriptor; Iterator<ElementDescriptor> elems = container.iterator(); while (elems.hasNext()) { ElementDescriptor curElem = elems.next(); if (mDfs.isContainer(curElem.toString())) { System.out.println(curElem.toString() + "\t<dir>"); } else { printLengthAndReplication(curElem); } } } else { printLengthAndReplication(pathDescriptor); } } catch (DataStorageException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to LS on " + path, e); } } else { log.warn("'ls' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } private void printLengthAndReplication(ElementDescriptor elem) throws IOException { Map<String, Object> stats = elem.getStatistics(); long replication = (Short) stats .get(ElementDescriptor.BLOCK_REPLICATION_KEY); long len = (Long) stats.get(ElementDescriptor.LENGTH_KEY); System.out.println(elem.toString() + "<r " + replication + ">\t" + len); } @Override protected void processPWD() throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.PWD); if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); System.out.println(mDfs.getActiveContainer().toString()); } else { log.warn("'pwd' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processHistory(boolean withNumbers) { mPigServer.printHistory(withNumbers); } @Override protected void printHelp() { System.out.println("Commands:"); System.out.println("<pig latin statement>; - See the PigLatin manual for details: http://hadoop.apache.org/pig"); System.out.println("File system commands:"); System.out.println(" fs <fs arguments> - Equivalent to Hadoop dfs command: http://hadoop.apache.org/common/docs/current/hdfs_shell.html"); System.out.println("Diagnostic commands:"); System.out.println(" describe <alias>[::<alias] - Show the schema for the alias. Inner aliases can be described as A::B."); System.out.println(" explain [-script <pigscript>] [-out <path>] [-brief] [-dot|-xml] [-param <param_name>=<param_value>]"); System.out.println(" [-param_file <file_name>] [<alias>] - Show the execution plan to compute the alias or for entire script."); System.out.println(" -script - Explain the entire script."); System.out.println(" -out - Store the output into directory rather than print to stdout."); System.out.println(" -brief - Don't expand nested plans (presenting a smaller graph for overview)."); System.out.println(" -dot - Generate the output in .dot format. Default is text format."); System.out.println(" -xml - Generate the output in .xml format. Default is text format."); System.out.println(" -param <param_name - See parameter substitution for details."); System.out.println(" -param_file <file_name> - See parameter substitution for details."); System.out.println(" alias - Alias to explain."); System.out.println(" dump <alias> - Compute the alias and writes the results to stdout."); System.out.println("Utility Commands:"); System.out.println(" exec [-param <param_name>=param_value] [-param_file <file_name>] <script> - "); System.out.println(" Execute the script with access to grunt environment including aliases."); System.out.println(" -param <param_name - See parameter substitution for details."); System.out.println(" -param_file <file_name> - See parameter substitution for details."); System.out.println(" script - Script to be executed."); System.out.println(" run [-param <param_name>=param_value] [-param_file <file_name>] <script> - "); System.out.println(" Execute the script with access to grunt environment. "); System.out.println(" -param <param_name - See parameter substitution for details."); System.out.println(" -param_file <file_name> - See parameter substitution for details."); System.out.println(" script - Script to be executed."); System.out.println(" sh <shell command> - Invoke a shell command."); System.out.println(" kill <job_id> - Kill the hadoop job specified by the hadoop job id."); System.out.println(" set <key> <value> - Provide execution parameters to Pig. Keys and values are case sensitive."); System.out.println(" The following keys are supported: "); System.out.println(" default_parallel - Script-level reduce parallelism. Basic input size heuristics used by default."); System.out.println(" debug - Set debug on or off. Default is off."); System.out.println(" job.name - Single-quoted name for jobs. Default is PigLatin:<script name>"); System.out.println(" job.priority - Priority for jobs. Values: very_low, low, normal, high, very_high. Default is normal"); System.out.println(" stream.skippath - String that contains the path. This is used by streaming."); System.out.println(" any hadoop property."); System.out.println(" help - Display this message."); System.out.println(" history [-n] - Display the list statements in cache."); System.out.println(" -n Hide line numbers. "); System.out.println(" quit - Quit the grunt shell."); } @Override protected void processMove(String src, String dst) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.MV); if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); try { ElementDescriptor srcPath = mDfs.asElement(src); ElementDescriptor dstPath = mDfs.asElement(dst); if (!srcPath.exists()) { throw new IOException("File or directory " + src + " does not exist."); } srcPath.rename(dstPath); } catch (DataStorageException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to move " + src + " to " + dst, e); } } else { log.warn("'mv' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processCopy(String src, String dst) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.CP); if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); try { ElementDescriptor srcPath = mDfs.asElement(src); ElementDescriptor dstPath = mDfs.asElement(dst); srcPath.copy(dstPath, mConf, false); } catch (DataStorageException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to copy " + src + " to " + dst, e); } } else { log.warn("'cp' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processCopyToLocal(String src, String dst) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.COPYTOLOCAL); if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); try { ElementDescriptor srcPath = mDfs.asElement(src); ElementDescriptor dstPath = mLfs.asElement(dst); srcPath.copy(dstPath, false); } catch (DataStorageException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to copy " + src + "to (locally) " + dst, e); } } else { log.warn("'copyToLocal' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processCopyFromLocal(String src, String dst) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.COPYFROMLOCAL); if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); try { ElementDescriptor srcPath = mLfs.asElement(src); ElementDescriptor dstPath = mDfs.asElement(dst); srcPath.copy(dstPath, false); } catch (DataStorageException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to copy (loally) " + src + "to " + dst, e); } } else { log.warn("'copyFromLocal' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processMkdir(String dir) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.MKDIR); if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); ContainerDescriptor dirDescriptor = mDfs.asContainer(dir); dirDescriptor.create(); } else { log.warn("'mkdir' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processPig(String cmd) throws IOException { int start = 1; if (!mInteractive) { start = getLineNumber(); } if (cmd.charAt(cmd.length() - 1) != ';') { mPigServer.registerQuery(cmd + ";", start); } else { mPigServer.registerQuery(cmd, start); } } @Override protected void processRemove(String path, String options) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.RM); filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.RMF); int MAX_MS_TO_WAIT_FOR_FILE_DELETION = 10 * 60 * 1000; int MS_TO_SLEEP_WHILE_WAITING_FOR_FILE_DELETION = 250; if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode Path filePath = new Path(path); ElementDescriptor dfsPath = null; FileSystem fs = filePath.getFileSystem(ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(mConf)); executeBatch(); if (!fs.exists(filePath)) { if (options == null || !options.equalsIgnoreCase("force")) { throw new IOException("File or directory " + path + " does not exist."); } } else { boolean deleteSuccess = fs.delete(filePath, true); if (!deleteSuccess) { log.warn("Unable to delete " + path); return; } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration = 0; while(fs.exists(filePath)) { duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (duration > MAX_MS_TO_WAIT_FOR_FILE_DELETION) { throw new IOException("Timed out waiting to delete file: " + dfsPath); } else { try { Thread.sleep(MS_TO_SLEEP_WHILE_WAITING_FOR_FILE_DELETION); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException("Error waiting for file deletion", e); } } } log.info("Waited " + duration + "ms to delete file"); } } else { log.warn("'rm/rmf' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processFsCommand(String[] cmdTokens) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.FS); if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode executeBatch(); int retCode = -1; try { retCode = shell.run(cmdTokens); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } if (retCode != 0 && !mInteractive) { String s = LoadFunc.join( (AbstractList<String>) Arrays.asList(cmdTokens), " "); throw new IOException("fs command '" + s + "' failed. Please check output logs for details"); } } else { log.warn("'fs' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } @Override protected void processShCommand(String[] cmdTokens) throws IOException { filter.validate(PigCommandFilter.Command.SH); if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode try { executeBatch(); // For sh command, create a process with the following syntax // <shell exe> <invoke arg> <command-as-string> String shellName = "sh"; String shellInvokeArg = "-c"; // Insert cmd /C in front of the array list to execute to // support built-in shell commands like mkdir on Windows if (System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) { shellName = "cmd"; shellInvokeArg = "/C"; } List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(); stringList.add(shellName); stringList.add(shellInvokeArg); StringBuffer commandString = new StringBuffer(); for (String currToken : cmdTokens) { commandString.append(" "); commandString.append(currToken); } stringList.add(commandString.toString()); String[] newCmdTokens = stringList.toArray(new String[0]); Process executor = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(newCmdTokens); StreamPrinter outPrinter = new StreamPrinter(executor.getInputStream(), null, System.out); StreamPrinter errPrinter = new StreamPrinter(executor.getErrorStream(), null, System.err); outPrinter.start(); errPrinter.start(); int ret = executor.waitFor(); outPrinter.join(); errPrinter.join(); if (ret != 0 && !mInteractive) { String s = LoadFunc.join( (AbstractList<String>) Arrays.asList(cmdTokens), " "); throw new IOException("sh command '" + s + "' failed. Please check output logs for details"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } else { log.warn("'sh' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } public static int runSQLCommand(String hcatBin, String cmd, boolean mInteractive) throws IOException { List<String> tokensList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (hcatBin.endsWith(".py")) { tokensList.add("python"); tokensList.add(hcatBin); } else { tokensList.add(hcatBin); } tokensList.add("-e"); tokensList.add(cmd.substring(cmd.indexOf("sql")).substring(4).replaceAll("\n", " ")); String[] tokens = tokensList.toArray(new String[]{}); // create new environment = environment - HADOOP_CLASSPATH // This is because of antlr version conflict between Pig and Hive Map<String, String> envs = System.getenv(); Set<String> envSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : envs.entrySet()) { if (!entry.getKey().equals("HADOOP_CLASSPATH")) { envSet.add(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue()); } } log.info("Going to run hcat command: " + tokens[tokens.length-1]); Process executor = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(tokens, envSet.toArray(new String[0])); StreamPrinter outPrinter = new StreamPrinter(executor.getInputStream(), null, System.out); StreamPrinter errPrinter = new StreamPrinter(executor.getErrorStream(), null, System.err); outPrinter.start(); errPrinter.start(); int ret; try { ret = executor.waitFor(); outPrinter.join(); errPrinter.join(); if (ret != 0 && !mInteractive) { throw new IOException("sql command '" + cmd + "' failed. "); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Exception raised from sql command " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return 0; } @Override protected void processSQLCommand(String cmd) throws IOException{ if(mExplain == null) { // process only if not in "explain" mode if (!mPigServer.getPigContext().getProperties().get("pig.sql.type").equals("hcat")) { throw new IOException("sql command only support hcat currently"); } String hcatBin = (String)mPigServer.getPigContext().getProperties().get("hcat.bin"); if (hcatBin == null) { throw new IOException("hcat.bin is not defined. Define it to be your hcat script (Usually $HCAT_HOME/bin/hcat"); } if (!(new File(hcatBin).exists())) { throw new IOException(hcatBin + " does not exist. Please check your 'hcat.bin' setting in pig.properties."); } executeBatch(); runSQLCommand(hcatBin, cmd, mInteractive); } else { log.warn("'sql' statement is ignored while processing 'explain -script' or '-check'"); } } /** * StreamPrinter. * */ public static class StreamPrinter extends Thread { InputStream is; String type; PrintStream os; public StreamPrinter(InputStream is, String type, PrintStream os) { this.is = is; this.type = type; this.os = os; } @Override public void run() { try { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line = null; if (type != null) { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { os.println(type + ">" + line); } } else { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { os.println(line); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } } protected static class ExplainState { public long mTime; public int mCount; public String mAlias; public String mTarget; public String mScript; public boolean mVerbose; public String mFormat; public boolean mLast; public ExplainState(String alias, String target, String script, boolean verbose, String format) { mTime = new Date().getTime(); mCount = 0; mAlias = alias; mTarget = target; mScript = script; mVerbose = verbose; mFormat = format; mLast = false; } } private PigServer mPigServer; private DataStorage mDfs; private DataStorage mLfs; private Properties mConf; private boolean mDone; private boolean mLoadOnly; private ExplainState mExplain; private int mNumFailedJobs; private int mNumSucceededJobs; private FsShell shell; private boolean mScriptIllustrate; //For Testing Only protected void setExplainState(ExplainState explainState) { this.mExplain = explainState; } }